Dear KEYS100 Runners & Volunteers:
Fill out the fields below: Click Submit at the end.
We will make your runner passport stickers according to the data you provide here .
The Upload Your Photo button at the bottom is for your runner passport personal page.
1. Personal Data:
PURPOSE FOR GATHERING YOUR AGE: In order to rightly identify your races in DUV, RunSignUp or UltraSignUp, we need some extra identifiers. Sometimes, there are more than one runner under the same name. We use the age as a secondary identifier. All personal information is encrypted to ensure your privacy.
Paste your Race Records links in the options below.
4E. Have you volunteered as a runner crew member or on a race's staff?
These important contributions to ultramarathon running should be documented, too! Create a list of ultras (only) where you have volunteered. Include:
race name
website address
Also, include whether you served as a runner (or team) support crew or on the race staff.
if you served as a race staff, indicate which role you have served. Here are some options for your reference:
Aid Station
Finish Line
Course Prep
Other - type in your role.

Here is where you upload your runner passport photo. Check it out KEYS100 Ultramarathon Race Director Bob Becker's Runners Passport photo.
KEYS100 Race Director, Bob Becker's Runner Passport Photo.
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