Need assistance? Before picking up the phone, check out our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, get in touch with us via our Support Page or "Let's Chat" here at the site. We will get back to you!
Thank You!
1. How do I get the race stickers?
Click Menu SHOP Stickers.
Select the distance on the left side of screen.
Search for your race sticker.
Click in the "year you ran" to select the year you have ran the race.
Select the sticker quantity. The default is 1.
Click in Add to Cart.
Repeat the steps above for the next race or go to cart to check-out
2. I did not find my race sticker
Select Customize It! on the left side of screen.
Click on the race distance.
Type in race name and website and the distance you ran.

3. Why the 5k, 10k and 13.1k only have one sticker?
If you want to record your 5k, 10k and Half Marathons in your passport, you have to use the generic race sticker. There are no different race stickers for these distances.
4. I did not find the year I ran
Go to Support page and let us know. We will add them for you.
5. Is there any special care for the race stickers?
Yes! This is a great question. Our products are not water resistant. Here are a few and easy things you can do to make your memories last for a lifetime:
1. Do not expose any item to the elements.
2. Do not handle any item with wet or sweat hands.
6. What are the store policies?
We have a Store Policy Pages in our site. Please refer to them to find out all about our policies.